“Shattered Glances” Short Film

I subtitled it from Brazilian Portuguese to English and burned the subtitles into the video

The film was created by first-semester students from the Film School at UFF.

The video was selected for a viewing that would take place in the city of Terrassa, Spain, in October 2021, at an international film festival named “One Shot Terrassa City of Film”. The original movie title is “Olhares em Estilhaço”.

I used Subtitle Edit to do the subtitling work and VLC to burn the subtitles into the video.

The movie tells the story of a Brazilian couple who’s going through a rough time. The challenge they face is common in Brazil.

I fell in love with this movie pretty quickly! As soon as I watched it, there was no going back. I was deeply touched by it. I want to point out that one of the filmmakers is my sister, Luiza Fernandes.


Editorial translation


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